Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Board Games 5 through 11

5. Rattus
Ahh yes the plague, good entertainment. trying to populate the board to get rid of all your pieces, but not have them all collect in one area (because if the plague hits you are in trouble. 

6. Elder Sign
We used to play this so much, But now, you know, Pandemic. It was good working together to kill the big boss guy, a few of our adventurers died, but we won in the end.

7. Pandemic
I was having Pandemic withdrawal after our Pandemic Legacy marathon (which is the coolest game ever) So we upped the difficulty of our regular game. 5 epidemics and the superbug. It was all looking pretty grim for a while, but we got there.

8. Agents

Sorry, I forgot to take a photo of this one, I was all excited because I was pretty close to winning, but then I pulled some pretty foolish final moves (classic Ruth) and alas, Scott claimed the victory today.

9. Ghost Stories
Well, still the hardest cooperative game Scott owns, No joy was had today, even though we realised that we have been playing it wrong this whole time!

10. Escape
Racing against a soundtrack to get through a maze adds stress and panic to an otherwise restful evening. Here is the curse I usually get (means you can't talk) along with a very bad dice roll. 

11. Dice Town
Poker meets dice meets the old west. Get the gold and the money, and the properties. Win for Ruth (but only because I stole Scott's good stuff at the last minute.)

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