Thursday, June 11, 2015

Adventures In Unreadable Labels: Bonus Round 1, The American Way

Some foods you hear about on TV when your a kid you relegate to always being fictional.
With me, one of those foods was the Pop Tart.

The legend... at last!

I mean I know they are real, but they were always a mystical American junk food... synonymous with the kind of childhood happiness that comes from screaming around on a complete sugar rush, as I imagined all American junk food induced.

But today I cross that line, and sample such a thing from a VERY readable package.


I'll dispense with my usual format, because a) this is a bonus round and b) it all happened so fast.


I opened the packed to the aroma of a delicious chocolate chip cookie.
I read the instructions and dialed back the toaster all the way, then popped the little pastry treats in to bake.

The wait was not a long one but it laced the room with the aroma of fresh warm cookies!

And then one bite, a series of munches and they were gone... back to the dream world of American snacks.

What were they like?
Truthfully they were like little meltly cookies. The dough was not unlike girl guide biscuits and the chocolate filling was like the syrup from a McDonald's chocolate Sunday.
And it some chocolate icing that sort of retained its crunch in places, which gave little pockets of crumbly resistance in the tasty gooey mix.

Not pictured: the ooey gooey-ness

And they were yummy!

But did they live up to the dream?
Well, maybe not, but in a way that actually made them delicious... I think the dream version of them that formed at the first mention of there name spoken in some long forgotten cartoon, probably was more akin to a cup of sugar baked into a pie crust.

These didn't feel more indulgent than a really big cookie, and on a cold night they were a great post dinner treat.

Sometime less is more, and these were less of the dream and more than I though I was going to get.

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